Southern California's Professional Rating Service

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HVAC Contractors

The 2013 update which took affect July 1, 2014 has simplified the paperwork process. It has also made the duct leakage testing a requirement for all climate zones. KB Energy Services (KBES) work in partnership with HVAC contractors to make the process as easy and transparent as possible to the homeowners. Here's the basic process to follow:

  • HVAC Contractor (called Installer) initiates the CF-1R form using the CalCERTS website and obtains a building permit from the proper governing body.
  • Once the installation is complete the installer completes the CF-2R on the CalCERTS website and assigns the job to KBES to become the HERS Rater.
  • KBES will contact the homeowner and arrange an appointment time to compete the HERS testing. Once the testing is complete the HERS rater fills out the CF-3R and closes out the job in CalCERTS. KBES will email .pdf copies of the CF-3R forms to the Installer and if asked can send directly to the customer. The CF-3R is required to close out the permit.

Issues for Installers to verify at installation time:

  • Ensure all accessible system and duct leakage locations are repaired
  • Seal all register boots to drywall
  • Install Supply and Return MAH holes in plenum and label
  • Discuss the HERS process with the homeowner and explain that they will be contacted for testing
  • Send the HERS Rater the installed equipment list and if > 40 feet of ducts are replaced as well as all customer contact information

CF-1R Form determines what level if testing is required (required to obtain a permit)
CF-2R Form is what the HVAC installer actually installed
CF-3R Form are the tests the HERS Rater performs to verify the installation

Serving Orange County, LA County, Inland Empire, and San Diego

CalCERTS ID# CC2006344
EPA 608 Certified
Alterations Residential | 2013 Update

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